Language & Behavior
Did someone say tantrum??
...maybe it’s just on my brain because I have a 2 year old at home 😁😁😁 Let’s talk about BEHAVIOR
We’ve discussed before the association between language skills and later reading ability and academic success, but did you know language ability can predict behavior?!
Specifically, the development of behavior PROBLEMS.
Research by Petersen et al. reveals some interesting (and FASCINATING 🤯) connections between language and behavior!
Results showed that language ability predicted the development of inattentive-hyperactive and externalizing behavior problems more than the effects of GENDER, ETHNICITY, SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS, and performance in ACADEMIC domains (including reading, math, and short term memory)
So, the lower a child’s language score was around age 7-13, the more likely they were to show problem behaviors.
The inattentive-hyperactivity problems were scored by parents and teachers using the Attention Problems sub scale which has been used by other researchers as a measure of ADHD symptoms... including items like: “impulsive”, “can’t sit still” & “fails to finish”
Externalizing behaviors included items like “threatens” “destroys others’ things” & “steals outside home”
Now, there are some common sense reasons why this might be true- if a child can express themselves well they will be less frustrated and less likely to develop problem behaviors.
But these researchers posed some other reasons why strong language skills may prevent the development of problem behaviors!
• Self-directed speech might help guide and promote problem-solving, and self-regulation
• Language and motor areas in the brain are often closely connected when activated... so language skills may be related to the ability to regulate movement! (Wow!)
• Poor language skills can lead to poor socialization, which means difficulty connecting with others, making and keeping friends, etc.
These results were so significant that the researchers actually suggested targeting language ability to PREVENT and TREAT attention deficits and other problem behaviors!!!
Language is a powerful thing!
Read the research below